Monday, 16 September 2019

Week of September 16th

Week 3 has started off great!  We had a busy day observing sunflowers, exploring numbers and using our imagination and creativity to make mini books after hearing a story about numbers.  The students have settled into the classroom nicely and are learning the rules and routines.  For the month of September, Mrs. T and I will be focusing on these rules and routines with the students. 

The students continue to explore the classroom and get to know each other.  It is so nice to see the new friendships being made.  Our sk students have been eager to take on a leadership role and have been amazing with the new jk students in the classroom.

Many thanks to all the parents who came to Program Night last week.  It was so nice to meet and reconnect with you.  If you were unable to attend, a package of information was sent home with your child last Friday.  

Book orders were sent home today in your child's mailbag.  If you wish to place an order, please do so by September 23rd.  You can place your order online (under teacher's name: Andrea Rocco) or send in a cheque made out to Scholastic Canada Ltd.  

On Friday, September 27th, we will be participating in the Terry Fox Walk.  The Kindergarten students will remain on school property and walk in the backyard.  We will be sending home more information this week with regards to donating for this worthy cause.

School lunch programs will be starting up during the week of September 23rd.  These include milk and pizza and were all pre-ordered online.  

We will also begin to visit the learning commons in the upcoming week.  The students will listen to a story read by Mrs, Baker each week and will have a chance to look at books in the learning commons.  These books will not be taken out. We are hoping to check out books in January once we have become comfortable and familiar with the library rules and routines.


Twitter - If you are interested in signing up for Twitter, please send Mrs. T your twitter handle so she can add you to our classroom group.  Mrs. T posts pictures of the students and their work daily.

Blog: Our classroom blog is usually updated every Monday evening/ Tuesday morning. You can sign up on the home screen to get notifications when a new post is made.  (

Spare Clothing- Please ensure that your child has a spare set of clothing.  Accidents happen often in Kindergarten!  A spare set of clothing should include pants, a shirt, socks and underwear.  If your child has had an accident, we will ask them to change and put their soiled clothing in a bag.  The soiled clothing will be sent home that day.

Please send in a family photo so we can hang it up in our "Safe Space" .  This children love to look at their photo when they are missing their family.  We promise to return the photo at the end of the year.