Monday, 13 February 2017

The Week of Feb. 13th

We are looking forward to a busy week ahead.  Tomorrow we will be busy stuffing our newly made love monsters with valentines.  The kids had a blast today decorating their monsters.  Thanks again for sending in your empty kleenex boxes for this activity.

Our letter of the day is "l".  We looked at the letter l and it's sound.   Our word of the week is "love".  We have a song to help us remember how to spell it.  Ask your child to sing it to you.  The kids wrote love notes using our word of the week.  

New Snuggle books came home today.  Please ensure that the folders come back every Friday with the book inside.  I hope you are finding this program beneficial for your child.  We are seeing progress as well as more confidence in the children when attempting to sound words out during reading and free writing.   

Today we had 10 students away due to illness.  We are working hard to remind the children to sneeze in their elbow, wash their hands after using the washroom and to use a kleenex for their nose.  If you could also remind your child, it would be much appreciated!

On Wednesday, will be celebrating 100's Day.  It's going to be an exciting day full of fun activities involving numbers up to 100!

Our new report cards will be coming home on Wednesday.   This is a communication of the child's learning.  It is a brand new format which is very different from the traditional report card.  It highlights the student's key learning, growth in learning and their next steps.  We hope you enjoy reading them!

Here are some pictures from today: