It was so nice to meet you last week for interviews. If you did not get a chance to meet with Mrs. T and myself, please feel free to write us a note in the communication book and we can arrange a date. We would love to meet with everyone to discuss your child's progress so far.
Today we had a full day of learning! Our letter of the week is the letter y. We learned that "y" makes 3 different sounds and there are lots of words that have a "y" at the end. Only 2 of our friends in the class have a "y" in their name and they both make the "e" sound.
Our word of the week is "my". It was so great to see that the sk students remembered the song from last year to spell "my". Ask your child to sing the song for you. It will be stuck in your head all day! The sk students did a great job writing sentences using "my".
We continued to work on different types of lines and used lines to make cool looking artwork. The students really enjoyed exploring and creating at the art table.
In Math, the students rose to my challenge and worked as a team to fill up the hundreds chart. They worked so hard on arranging the number disks from 1 to 100 in the proper order. It was so amazing to see the leadership and collaboration in completing this BIG job! See pictures below. We also worked on recognizing numbers to 10 and counting links associated to the numbers.
Wed. Nov. 16 - Photo retakes
Wed. Nov. 16 - Double Lunch Day - Make an extra lunch for others in need. These lunches are collected and brought to The Mission.
Wed. Nov. 16 - Lonestar Restaurant Family Night
Fri. Nov. 18 - PD Day