I found this calendar that has an activity a day to go and explore. There are some pretty cool museums and aquariums posted.
Calendar of Virtual Field Trips for Families
March/April 2020
(Just click on the blue words and then click on the link that appears below the words.)
**Want to add a LEGO engineering challenge each day, too? Please CLICK HERE for the 30 day LEGO challenge from https://www.freehomeschooldeals.com/.
Daily activities (weekdays only):
Josh Gad (Olaf from Frozen) reads books every weeknight (times vary but you can also watch the recorded videos) on Twitter - #GadBookClub
Drawing with Michael Woodside - learn to draw Disney Characters - live streamed on YouTube and Instagram daily at 10:00 am - #drawingwithwoodsy (videos are also recorded).
Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems - draw with author and illustrator Mo Willems daily on YouTube at 12:00 pm #MOlunchdoodles. (videos are also recorded). For more information go to: https://www.kennedy-center.org/mowillems
Deb’s Virtual Art School - Artist Deborah Putnoi does lessons on Facebook daily at 1:00 pm https://www.facebook.com/TheDrawingMind (videos are also recorded).
Want more?? - Check out this spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/121u24nzZE7hLduT8zdDHowZ8Vvl-lUrorUP5E5UBkts/edit?fbclid=IwAR0kYHStNFWWBbz_RZH9Y-mqc_Ohh4DGaVN6jqFiZA80wCqM2Rf3P6RxNw4#gid=560148342
Calendar of Virtual Field Trips for Families
April 2020
Calendar of Virtual Field Trips for Families
May 2020
** Want more LEGO Challenges - click here for 31 more LEGO challenges from www.freehomeschooldeals.com