Tuesday, 2 February 2016

More Pictures!

A New Week!

This week we have welcomed Mme T. back from maternity leave.  The kids are teaching her our routines and impressing her with their French knowledge!

Our letter of the week is "h".   We came up with a big list of "h" words and sorted the class by kids with an "h" in their name and kids without an "h" in their name.
Our word of the week is  "the".  We talked about how this word is very hard to sound out and that when you see a "t" and an "h" together it always makes a "th" sound.  We also looked at a book and noticed that "the" is a very important word because it is used so often.  My challenge to them was to count how many "the" words they can find in their book during their bedtime story.  Please continue to point out our word (s) of the week during nightly reading.

On Monday, I will be sending home the Snuggle Book Reading Program to the senior kindergarten students .  All the information will be sent home in their snuggle folder.

Thursday is National Sweater Day.  Remember to send your child to school wearing their coziest sweater.

We are in need of EMPTY kleenex boxes for our Valentine's Day craft.  If you have any at home that you are throwing out, please send them in with your child.  We will turn them into something creative and adorable!

Here are some pictures from the week: