Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Week of March 25th

Sorry for the late blog post.  The flu had other plans for me over the past few days!

Our letters of the week are "th" and our word of the week is "the".  We are teaching the students that when they see a t and an h together, not to sound them out individually and to remember to tickle their teeth with their tongue to make the "thhhhhhhhhhhh" sound.

Today we read a story about what to do when we feel angry.  We talked about taking deep breaths, walking away from what is making them angry, going to a quiet place, riding a bike or getting some exercise.  We also talked about how it is ok to be angry but it's how we handle our anger.

The school yard is getting pretty wet which means LOTS of soakers on the kid's feet.  Please send in extra pants and socks in case your child needs to change into dry clothes.

Last week we learned about Persian New Year and the students loved hearing about all the traditions for this special day.  They had a blast decorating eggs and making the 7 special things to put on table on our bulletin board.  We always love to learn about different cultures and special occasions.  Please feel free to let us know if you have a special day or celebration in your culture that you would like us to talk about.

VIP Project-
I have received some selfies but am hoping to get more.  It's such a fun project for the kids!  Looking for moms and dads to send in their workplace selfie with a brief, kid friendly description of their job.

Here are some pictures from today: