Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Week of Oct. 28

This week has been an exciting one and it's only Tuesday!  With Halloween just around the corner, the children have been eager to draw pictures and make creations with Halloween on their minds!  They have been very excited to share about their costumes and what they are hoping to get in their bags on Halloween night!  In the classroom, we have been exploring with many different slimy materials such as spaghetti with eyeballs, slime with bats and orbeez balls with pumpkins.  Tomorrow we will be conducting a science experiment with ice in the shape of brains.  We will be predicting which brain will melt the fastest.  One will have salt one top, one with crayons on top and one with glitter on top.  Stay tuned for our findings!  We will also be working on a STEM challenge with cubes, popsicle sticks and rubber rats.  The goal is to try and make a fence for 5 rats to fit on.  It should be fun!

Our letter this week is the letter "m" and our word is "am".  Please continue to practice letter recognition and sounds with your child.  Make it fun!

This afternoon, we talked about our feeling and the things that make us feel happy and sad.  The students did a great job illustrating how they were feeling today.  We had many feelings going on in our classroom today!

On Thursday, the children are invited to wear orange and black.  Please do not send your child to school wearing a costume.  We will also be playing in a school wide bingo game.  We are asking for a $2 donation for United Way. 

On November 1st, Progress Reports for grades 1-6 will be going home.  Kindergarten students will be receiving their Initial Observation Report on Wednesday, November 13th.  Interviews for grades K-6 will be held on November 14th from 4 pm -8 pm.  More information will be sent home soon on how to book a time for an interview.  We look forward to chatting with you!

Important Dates:
Picture Retake Day- Nov. 6th