Monday, 17 June 2019

Week of June 17th

We are all done with our work and letters of the week.  Please continue to practice letter recognition and sounds with your child.  

Today our library books were returned for the last time.  The students will not be taking out any more books this year.  We still have a few outstanding books.  A reminder note is coming home today in your child's mailbag.

We have a busy week ahead!  Today we started the week off with a visit from Fireman Mike.  The kids had a blast seeing him and asking him questions.  We are sending home a few goodies that he brought for us.  Ask them what they learned from the presentation today.

Tuesday:  We will be going outside in the afternoon for Jump Rope for Heart.  Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather.

Wednesday: We are going to Walden Park Splash Pad for a morning full of sun and fun!  Please ensure that your child has sunscreen, a bathing suit, a towel, a sun hat, a change of clothes for after the splash pad (don't forget undies and socks!) and a water bottle.  We will be eating a snack there.  If you are volunteering for this field trip, please meet us at the school for 9:00 am and we will leave shortly after that time.

Thursday:  School Family BBQ - 5:30 - 8:00 pm