Today we went out on a leaf hunt and found gorgeous leaves in a variety of fall colours. The children searched for different types, sizes and colours. We read a story called "The Leaf Man" and were inspired to make beautiful creations with the leaves we collected. Some of the leaves from the morning were laminated so we can do leaf rubbing and leaf exploration on Friday.
We have been practising our printing using proper pencil grip and proper letter formation with the jk students. They are doing a great job with printing their name using an uppercase letter followed by lowercase letters. Our sk students have been using their knowledge of letter sounds in their free writing. Today, they wrote about what they are most thankful for. We noticed that we are very blessed and have so much to be thankful for. Our goal is to make the students feel confident when writing and to know that it is always okay to make mistakes.
On Monday, we will be starting our letter and "popcorn" word routine. The blog post on Monday will explain what exactly this routine is and how you can support your child with their learning. Please continue to check the blog each week for important information regarding our classroom community.
We are excited about our plans to walk to the Beaver Pond on this Friday, October 18th! A gentle reminder that you must have a criminal reference check done in order to assist as a volunteer. So far, the weather looks promising! Please be sure to send your child dressed appropriately for the outing including suitable footwear. Volunteers are asked to join us right away at the 9AM bell. We will organize ourselves to leave right after attendance and bathroom visits.