Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Week of September 10th

What a wonderful start we have had in Room 138! Mrs. T and I are so amazed at how well the students are settling in and learning the routines of the classroom.   Our Sk students are being so helpful to our Jk students.  It is so nice to see the collaboration and kindness they are showing towards the younger students.

We have seen tears in the morning from some of our Jk students as they say goodbye to their parents.  Once they are busy in the classroom, these tears quickly turn to smiles and inquiring minds.  As a parent, it's hard not to worry about our little ones but please don't worry!  They are in good hands! We promise to love and nurture all of them as if they were our own

Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring letters and numbers in the classroom as well as outside on the school yard.  Because the weather is chilly in the morning and warm in the afternoon, please dress your child appropriately.  Layers are always a good idea for this kind of weather.  The children stay outside until 9:30 am for outdoor learning and also have outdoor recesses.


Please ensure your child has a spare set of clothes in case of accidents or spills.  If you could send in extra pants, socks, a shirt and underwear, it would be much appreciated.  If you child comes home with soiled clothing, please send spare clothing the following day.

The children have done a great job self regulating at snack time.   When they hear their tummy rumbling, they have done a fabulous job eating a healthy snack in the morning.   No one has eaten their sandwich at snack time...yet!!!  Please ensure that all food coming to school is free of nuts, sesame, mustard and white fish.  We have life threatening allergies in the classroom.

If you have not filled out the form for our classroom Twitter account and you would like to, please send the form back indicating your Twitter handle as well as who your child is.  This way we can ensure that only the parents from Room 138 see our photos.

Here are pictures from last week and today: