Monday, 23 September 2019

Week of September 23rd

This week is looking like a busy week ahead!  Here are some important dates:

Wednesday, September 25th - Picture Day
Friday, September 27th - Terry Fox Walk
Monday, September 30th - Orange Shirt Day

This is the first week for our milk and pizza program.  The kids who ordered milk were very excited to get their milk from the bucket! Tomorrow will be the first pizza day for those who pre-ordered. Pizza day will be every Tuesday. Just a reminder to please send in cutlery with your child if their lunch requires it.  We do not have spoons or forks in the classroom.

Today we had 3 children all with the exact same pair of boots.  Please label their boots in order to avoid mix ups.  Due to the cooler temperatures in the morning, many students are coming with hoodies and coats.  During our late morning outdoor learning, many students take off their coats/sweaters and forget about them.  Many are not labeled and the children do not always claim them.  Please put a label on everything!

We read a book today about being an individual and unique.  The children made special rock "fish" to represent how vibrant and fantastic they are.  Once they put the finishing touches on them, we will bring our creations outside and place them in special places for others to find and keep.  Our hopes are to make others feel happy when they find our beautiful and unique fish.

We also talked about the season of Fall and discussed all the changes we see in this season.  The children made Fall pictures and books.  We also observed gourds and pumpkins using our 5 senses and pretended that we were scientists.  The children really enjoyed discussing the similarities and differences between the mini pumpkins and squash.

Here are some pictures from today: