Our letter of the week is "m" and our word of the week is "am". The students had a blast this morning with our "What Am I" riddles (see the pictures below). Together, we sounded out the word "am" using our "a" and "m" sounds. The sk students did a great job writing their thoughts in their journal.
The students used their problem solving skills and made bridges to hold 5 rats at one time. It was a great challenge for them and they worked together to come up with great bridge options for our 5 lovely rats!
The kids also made their own version of a scary monster to hang in our haunted house. The classroom is all ready for Halloween!
Last week, we went into Griffin's Grove to observe and collect different coloured leaves. The students had so much fun looking at the different shapes and types of leaves as well as finding the reddest maple leaves!
On Friday, we were lucky to have Mrs. McEvoy's Grade 3 class come and do reading buddies with us. The little kids were in awe of the big kids and their reading abilities. We will continue on a weekly basis to pair up with this class for some reading adventures!
Tuesday, October 30th -
Photo Retake Day and Sibling Photo Day
Wednesday, October 31st -
Students are invited to wear orange and black. Please do not send your child with a costume. We are also asking that you do not send in any treats to share for the children. We have severe allergies so we do not want anyone to feel left out.
Thursday, November 1st -
We are taking our learning outside for our Outdoor Learning Day. The students will explore literacy, Math, Art, Science etc outside on our school yard. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately. We will be outside for a few hours.
Initial Observations - Report Card
In Kindergarten, we do not send a progress report card home at the same time as the rest of the school. Our initial observations will be coming home on November 14th. Parent/teacher interviews will be held on November 15th. More details to follow.