Monday, 22 October 2018

Week of October 22

Our letter of the week is "i, I" and the word of the week is "I". Mrs. T and I are very impressed with how interested and engaged the students are in letters and wanting to sound out words.  The sk students did a great job in their free writing journals today.  They sounded out their thoughts incorporating our word of the week.  See pictures below.

During carpet time, the students were eager to come up and "butter" our popcorn word.  We found 7 in this week's poem about leaves.

Today, we also turned our dramatic play area into a haunted house.  The kids were so excited to put their unique pumpkins on the window to create a pumpkin patch. It turned out so cute!


If you are not happy with the school photo and want a retake, please send the picture back with a note saying that you would like a retake.

Please send a hat and mitts with your child.  The mornings are chilly and we are outside until 9:30.

School Halloween Dance- Friday, October 26th @ 6 pm