Monday, 5 November 2018

Week of Nov. 5th

Our letter of the week is "t" and our word of the week is "it".  We practiced how to sound out a word today and the kids got a kick out of it.  Ask your child how we sound words out in Room 138.  Remind them to use their hands. Our sk students are becoming confident with their free writing and are adding writing to their artwork as well.  In the beginning stages of writing, we always sit one on one with them and help sound out the desired words.  We do not correct their spelling and always praise them for doing such an amazing job.  The most important part is to make them feel proud of their work so they want to keep doing it.  We are seeing lots of budding writers in Room 138!  

In Math, we used our problem solving skills to figure out how many legs 2 spiders have.  The students had 2 plastic spiders to use as a visual aide and were asked to use pictures and numbers to figure out their answer.  They did a great job and listening to them explain their work was very neat to hear.  See the pictures below to see their work.

On Monday, November 12th, we will have a visit from a parent who is a member of Armed Forces to talk to us about Remembrance Day.  We will be talking about peace and poppies this week, with a focus on being kind to each other.  We are so excited for this visit! The students made beautiful crosses today which we will display in the hallway.

Next week, "Initial Observation" reports will be sent home on Wednesday, November 14th.  The Ministry has asked us to prepare a report based on the first couple of months of getting to know your child.  Parent interviews are scheduled for the following evening, Thursday, November 15th.  You will receive an email with a link to schedule your meeting online.  If you do not or are having any difficulty booking your meeting time, please call the school for assistance.  If you feel that you will need more than 10 minutes to discuss your child, please let us know in your child's communication book, and we can schedule a separate time to do this.


Please ensure that your child has a spare pair of clothing.  If your child comes home with a soiled bag of clothes, please send new clothing back the following day.

Here are some pictures from today: