Monday, 25 November 2019

Week of Nov. 25th

We are very excited to announce that our Kinder Christmas concert will be held on Tuesday, December 17th at 1:30 pm in the gym.  The students have been busy learning their songs and are thrilled to be presenting them to you in a few weeks.  More details will come home later this week.

With Christmas fast approaching, our school will be collecting items for our Christmas hampers.  The hampers are for families in need at our sister school, St. Elizabeth School.  A letter will be coming home shortly with more information.  Your kindness is much appreciated for this worthy cause.

Our letter of the week is the letter "o" and our word is "to".  Please continue to practice with your child at home.  In Math, we are working on showing our work using pictures and numbers.  The children did a great job showing their thinking for today's problem: How many wheels do 2 cars have?"  We are also looking at shapes this week and incorporating them into art and writing.

Scholastic book orders came home today.  If you would like to place an order, please ensure that you do so before December 3rd.  I have changed the date from the flyer to be sure the books arrive on time before the holidays.

Here are some pictures from today: