Monday, 18 November 2019
Week of Nov. 18th
Happy Monday! The children had an exciting day with Jungle Sport in the afternoon. It was cute to watch the kids attempt rock climbing, balancing on wobbly bridges and moving like ninjas through obstacle courses. If your child did not bring their permission form back, they were not able to participate today. We will be going to the gym again this week so please sign and return the permission form by tomorrow. Notes were sent home today if your child did not have their form signed.
It was so nice meeting with you last week to discuss your child's progress thus far. Please continue to check and send back mailbags daily. It is a great tool for communicating between home and school.
This week is Bullying Awareness Week at our school. We read a book called "One" which teaches children about bullying and the importance of standing up for yourself and friends. We talked about what exactly bullying is and what to do if someone is bullying you (say STOP in a loud voice, tell an adult). The children extended their learning by making "Stop Bullying Now" posters and posters about kindness. We talked about the importance of being kind to all and being a good friend. The children will put up their posters in the hallways throughout the school this week.
Our letter of the week is "s" and our word is "is". Please continue to practise letter recognition and their associated sounds with your child. In Math, we are looking at different kinds of patterns and creating our own patterns for our Patterning Tree.
Here are some pictures from today: