Wednesday, 14 September 2016

This week in Room 138

It has been a great start to the school year! The kids are all settling nicely and are learning the routines.  We have our snack times and lunch time all sorted out and no one has mistakenly eaten their sandwich for breakfast!! Just a reminder to ensure that no nut products come to school or anything that contains sesame seeds.  We have a severe allergy to nuts and sesame seeds in the classroom.

It has been a busy week so far with discovering and exploring the different centres and activities in the classroom.  We are all working on collaborating with our classmates and spreading kindness in the school.  Mme Vida took the students to the library for storytime today.  They really enjoyed their visit.  This will become a weekly occurance.  More details will come in regards to our assigned day for visits.


With the cooler temperatures in the morning, please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately.  We stay outside for outdoor learning first thing in the mornings so a thin sweater or hoodie will keep them warm.

Please send in a change of clothes for your child to keep in their cubby in case of an accident (pants, underwear, shirt and socks).  Accidents do happen in Kindergarten so it's important to have a spare set just in case!

If you have a question or note,  please put it in the communication book.  Keep the book open so we know there's a note for us.  If the book is closed, we will not see the note.

Upcoming Events:

Pizza Night - Thursday,  September 22

Come eat pizza and visit the classroom! The students are very excited to show off their classroom and work so far.  The form was sent home today with the details.  We hope to see you on Thursday!

Here are some pictures of kids over the past week: