Today we went to the library and took out a book. This book should have made it home tonight. You are welcome to enjoy the book all week but please ensure that it comes back before Wednesday. Our library day is every Wednesday so in order to borrow a new book, the old book must be returned.
Many students have been losing their clothing and shoes. Please label everything!! Things that are left outside are brought inside to our Lost and Found bins.
Scholastic book flyers will be coming home this week. If you are interested in ordering a book, please send the order form back with your child's name and a cheque made payable to Scholastic Canada. They do NOT accept cash so only send cheques please.
We will be starting up a Playdoh Club. The students use playdoh everyday to help with fine motor and to create beautiful masterpieces! We are in need of volunteers to make playdoh on a weekly basis (it only lasts for a week 😕). It is very easy to make and I will provide a no fail recipe!! If you are interested in joining our Playdoh Club, I will be sending home a form with more details. Thank you in advance!
Here are some pictures from the week: