Monday, 30 March 2020

Week of March 30th - Activities for this week

Week of Monday, March 30th

Language Arts:

Word: he
Letter: “Hh”

Look at the poem below:

The Little Turtle

There was a little turtle.
He lived in a box.
He swam in a puddle.
He climbed on the rocks.

He snapped at a mosquito.
He snapped at a flea.
He snapped at a minnow.
And he snapped at me!

He caught the mosquito.
He caught the flea.
He caught the minnow.
But he didn’t catch me!

  1. Can you butter all the “he”s in this poem?
  2. How many did you find?
  3. Is this a number you can share evenly?  
  4. How many “he”s do you have in your family? Draw a picture of them and write their names.

Journal sk:
  • Write a simple sentence using our word of the week. Remember to use your sounds when sounding out words that you are unsure of. *Don’t forget your finger spacing, an uppercase letter at the beginning and a period at the end of your sentence to say you are all done! Draw a picture to go with your sentence.
  • Say out loud all the words that you can think of that have our letter in it (it can start with the letter, end with the letter or have the letter somewhere in the word). Draw a picture of 2 things that start with this letter. Remember to use lots of colours and take your time!

  • Watch storybots letter H
  • Now watch ABC mouse letter H to see if you had some of the same words.

Other Suggestions:

  • Spell our word and letter using playdoh
  • If you have cue cards at home, you can make flashcards with all our words that we have learned so far. Add “he” to a new card and add it to the pile! This is a great activity for an older sibling to help out with.
  • Have fun with chalk on the driveway spelling our word or practicing the letter h. 
  • Go on a nature walk and find things that have an “h” in their name or do a scavenger hunt at home and find things that start with an “h”.

Maker Monday: 

Make a pattern with loose parts at home. Your pattern can be a shape, colour, size, letter, number pattern etc. Draw a picture of your pattern on a piece of paper. Tell your mom or dad what the “core” of the pattern is. (Remember that the core means the part of the pattern that keeps on repeating. Eg: ABBCABBCABBC The core is ABBC

Tall Tower Tuesday: 

Make a tall tower at home with anything that you think will be sturdy and safe. It can be with stuffies, blocks, soup cans, cereal boxes etc. Count how many objects you used to make your tall tower. Is your tower taller or shorter than you? Draw a picture of your tower. Could you do anything different to make it even taller?

Weather Wednesday: 

Look outside the window and draw a picture of the weather today. On a seperate piece of paper, write down the date and what the temperature is outside. You will need mom or dad to help you with that part. Keep this piece of paper in a special spot. Each week on Wednesday, write down the date and temperature. Can you guess what is going to happen with the temperature each week? Will it get warmer or colder? Why?

Throwing Thursday: 

Grab a ball or stuffie and go in your backyard or in a safe spot where you have lots of room (and you can’t break anything)! Make sure your mom or dad are with you at this time. Throw your ball/stuffie as far as you can. Measure the distance by counting how many of your feet it is to your ball/stuffie. Leave your ball/stuffie in the same place and go back to your starting position. Now hop like a bunny to your ball and count how many hops it took to get to your ball/stuffie. Write these numbers down.

Math Facts Friday: 

Use your fingers, loose parts, cubes or whatever you need to solve these math facts:

3 + 2 =

4 + 1 =

5 + 0 =

2 + 4 =

5 - 3 =

3 - 2 =

4 - 4 =


10 + 4 =

8 + 2 =

6 + 1 =

7 + 2 =

9 - 5 =

6 - 4 =

10 - 9 =

Brain Teaser Bonus:
How many legs do 4 cats have? Remember to use pictures, numbers and words to help you solve the question.

**Don’t forget to exercise and enjoy all the beautiful things around you! Cosmic Kids Yoga is always fun.

Exercise Challenge:

Go to and do the new guided dance called "Roar" with your mom or dad. Have Fun!!!