Monday, 10 February 2020

Week of Feb. 10th

Today we celebrated the 100th day of school and had a blast!  The kids used their imagination and made self portraits of themselves at 100 years of age.  They all turned out adorable!  Mrs. T was busy tweeting pictures of this activity so be sure to check out the class twitter for more pictures.

We had the opportunity to make Valentine's Day cards for the veterans.  We talked about how a simple picture or card with a kind message can make a person have a wonderful day.  Many of the children participated in this activity and put lots of effort into their creations.

Our letter of the week is "l" and the word is "love".  Ask your child to sing the Love Song to you tonight!

We are in desperate need of 7 more empty kleenex boxes by Wednesday.  If you have any at home, please send them in with your child.  On Thursday, we will be handing out our Valentine's cards.  Due to severe allergies, we ask you not to send in any treats to pass out.

Last Friday, we completed our egg experiment by cutting into each egg.  The children were both in awe and completely grossed out!!!  Many of them were eager to go and observe and write what they saw.  See pictures below for your own observations!


  • Tuesday, February 11th is crazy hair or hat day.
  • Wednesday, February 12th is jersey day.  It is also "Double Lunch Day". You are asked to send in an extra bagged lunch that will be taken to the Mission for those in need.
  • Thursday, February 13th is pink, red and white day.  Dress in these colours.
  • Friday is a PD Day so the school will be closed for the students. 
  • Monday is Family Day so there is no school.  Enjoy your day with your family!