Monday, 24 February 2020

Week of Feb 24th

Our letter of the week is "d" and our word of the week is "do".  The students loved singing our poem "Do You Like Broccoli" and finding all the 'do's in the poem.  

Today we worked on measurement and counting with animals and cubes.  The kids drew pictures of their animals and added numbers and words to their work.  Their job was to measure and count how big their animal was using cubes and to explain how they measured it (length or height).

In the afternoon, we looked at 4 snowmen and wrote down what was different between them.  It was our version of a "Spot the Difference" activity.  The children were so good at finding everything and they seemed to really enjoy doing it.

Today was a warm and sunny day and as a result, many children came in with wet pants and socks. Please ensure that your child has extra socks and pants at school.  This week is going to have a mixture of weather so I am predicting more soakers to come!  

We are beginning to talk about Lent and the journey toward Easter. On Wednesday, we will be joining the whole school in the gym for our Lenten liturgy. As we continue our Lenten journey, we are deepening our discussions about kindness and friendship.

This week, we will also be participating in the Rocks and Rings curling activity in the gym. It is a busy week for sure. Please note that there is no longer any strike action planned for Tuesday this week and the school will be open.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Week of Feb. 18

We hope that you enjoyed the beautiful weekend with your family!The children had many stories to share about their adventures over the long weekend.
Last week was all about love, friendships and partnerships. There was lots of excitement about Valentine's Day and making our Love Monsters. Hopefully they all made it home in one piece!

Our class has been very fortunate to have a wonderful opportunity to work with a drama production class from All Saints High School. A mother of a student in the other kinder class is the drama teacher at All Saints and she has graciously offered to bring the class to our school once a week to work on drama (aka "pretend") with the children. We are planning our first chance to get together next week on Wednesday.

Due to the short week, we will not have a letter or word of the week. Instead, we will review the words on our word wall and practice letter sounds. The first term Communication of Learning will be coming home today. There is a letter enclosed explaining the effect of the labour disruption. Should you have any questions regarding your child's report or progress, please feel free to reach out. We kindly ask that you save the envelope for the report and return it to school with your child so that it can be used again for the second term in June.

Last Thursday, blankets were sent home to be washed. In case you haven't had a chance to return your child's blanket, please do so as soon as possible. We also appreciate all the extra socks and mittens that have been sent in for each child.

Today we explored numbers by creating tall towers and counting how many cubes we used.  They had a great time and were very creative and inventive with their building strategies. We also read a book about smiling and how being happy makes everything better!  The children had great ideas of what makes them happy and smile.  Their homework is to come home with a smile for their family to see if it is contagious. 

Monday, 10 February 2020

Week of Feb. 10th

Today we celebrated the 100th day of school and had a blast!  The kids used their imagination and made self portraits of themselves at 100 years of age.  They all turned out adorable!  Mrs. T was busy tweeting pictures of this activity so be sure to check out the class twitter for more pictures.

We had the opportunity to make Valentine's Day cards for the veterans.  We talked about how a simple picture or card with a kind message can make a person have a wonderful day.  Many of the children participated in this activity and put lots of effort into their creations.

Our letter of the week is "l" and the word is "love".  Ask your child to sing the Love Song to you tonight!

We are in desperate need of 7 more empty kleenex boxes by Wednesday.  If you have any at home, please send them in with your child.  On Thursday, we will be handing out our Valentine's cards.  Due to severe allergies, we ask you not to send in any treats to pass out.

Last Friday, we completed our egg experiment by cutting into each egg.  The children were both in awe and completely grossed out!!!  Many of them were eager to go and observe and write what they saw.  See pictures below for your own observations!


  • Tuesday, February 11th is crazy hair or hat day.
  • Wednesday, February 12th is jersey day.  It is also "Double Lunch Day". You are asked to send in an extra bagged lunch that will be taken to the Mission for those in need.
  • Thursday, February 13th is pink, red and white day.  Dress in these colours.
  • Friday is a PD Day so the school will be closed for the students. 
  • Monday is Family Day so there is no school.  Enjoy your day with your family!

Friday, 7 February 2020

Empty Kleenex Boxes


We still need quite a few empty kleenex boxes for our special Valentine's Day craft.  We will be starting them next Wednesday.  If you have any empty kleenex boxes at home, we would put them to good use at school!

Monday, 3 February 2020

Week of Feb. 3rd

Our letters this week are "th".  We remember the sound these letters make because they tickle our teeth with our tongue when we say "thhhhhhhh".  The word of the week is "the".  The students were challenged to pick a book from home and count how many "the" are in the book.

Today we talked about the groundhog's prediction of an early Spring.  Let's hope the rodent is right!
Many students said they would prefer an early Spring over 6 more weeks of Winter!

We are in need of EMPTY Kleenex boxes for our Valentine's Day craft.  If you have any EMPTY Kleenex boxes at home, we will be happy to take them off your hands!  Please send them in by Feb. 11th.

The school will be closed tomorrow (Tuesday, February 4th).  Pizza day will be bumped to Wednesday, February 5th.

Friday, February 14 is Valentine's Day and the children are excited to exchange Valentine's cards. As this is a PD Day, we will celebrate on Thursday, February 13th. Also on Thursday, the students are welcome to wear red, pink and white. When preparing Valentine's for the class, please do not address each Valentine by the student's first name. Just fill out the "from" portion of the card and encourage your child to write their own name - excellent practice! There are 22 students and it makes it easier to pass them out. Please note that due to the Healthy Schools Act, children are requested not to send in treats.