Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Week of June 4th

It's hard to believe that it is June already!  This last month of school is going to be a busy one with field trips and fun activities.  Please be sure to check the blog often for important information.  Just a reminder that all permission forms have to be in by tomorrow (Wednesday) in order for your child to attend the Bill Mason Center.  Thank you to everyone who will be joining us and for providing us with your Vulnerable Sector Check.

Our letter this week is "I, i" and our word is "little".  Please continue to practice letters and sounds at home.  Since I am not in Room 138 today, I haven't had a chance to take pictures of the students hard at work!  I will post some pictures tomorrow.

For our field trip on Thursday, here are some suggested items to bring.  It is a full day of being outdoors so please dress your child appropriately.

  • a nutritional lunch
  • full water bottle
  • sunscreen - please apply some before coming to school
  • long- sleeved layer
  • long pants
  • running shoes or rain boots
  • extra socks
  • brimmed hat
  • insect repellent
  • hand sanitizer

Friday, June 7th is a PD Day so there is no school for the students.