Thursday, 27 June 2019

Last post of the year! Please watch slideshow of our class in this post!

Dear Parents,

It has been an amazing year and Mrs. T and I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to work with your child.  We are so proud of each and every one of them and are amazed at how much they have grown.

It is always a bittersweet time for us educators as we send off our sweet sk students who we have had the pleasure of teaching for 2 years.  We know that they are ready for the big world of Grade One but will miss them dearly!

We are very excited to see our jk friends next year who will now be our new sk leaders in the classroom.  They will play a key role in showing our new jk students the ropes of the classroom!

We hope you all have a restful and enjoyable summer!  See you all in September!

Please find attached a video filled with our classroom memories from this year...have some kleenex close by!

Happy Summer!

A. Rocco and N. Talebi 

Monday, 17 June 2019

Week of June 17th

We are all done with our work and letters of the week.  Please continue to practice letter recognition and sounds with your child.  

Today our library books were returned for the last time.  The students will not be taking out any more books this year.  We still have a few outstanding books.  A reminder note is coming home today in your child's mailbag.

We have a busy week ahead!  Today we started the week off with a visit from Fireman Mike.  The kids had a blast seeing him and asking him questions.  We are sending home a few goodies that he brought for us.  Ask them what they learned from the presentation today.

Tuesday:  We will be going outside in the afternoon for Jump Rope for Heart.  Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather.

Wednesday: We are going to Walden Park Splash Pad for a morning full of sun and fun!  Please ensure that your child has sunscreen, a bathing suit, a towel, a sun hat, a change of clothes for after the splash pad (don't forget undies and socks!) and a water bottle.  We will be eating a snack there.  If you are volunteering for this field trip, please meet us at the school for 9:00 am and we will leave shortly after that time.

Thursday:  School Family BBQ - 5:30 - 8:00 pm

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Father's Day Pictures

A big thank you to all the dads who came to our picnic today.  Your kids were beyond thrilled to hang out with you! We hope you have an amazing day on Sunday. I seemed to have missed getting everyone's picture so I apologize.  Here are some really cute pictures from today!

Monday, 10 June 2019

Week of June 10th

Our word of the week is a very special's "dad".  We are very excited to be celebrating our dads this Thursday, June 13th at 1:30 pm.  Please bring a nut-free/sesame-free snack for you and your child to enjoy during our picnic.  We are hoping that the weather cooperates so we can host it outside.  If you would like to bring a ball or a special game, feel free.  We will have balls and games for everyone to play with as well.

If you have not sent in a family picture or picture of your child with his dad, please do so by tomorrow.  We are hoping to wrap the presents on Wednesday to send home on Thursday.

Today we planted our Kinder Garden!  We will be watching our carrot, mint and wheatgrass seeds grow over the next few weeks.  The children are really excited to see some growth!

Here are some pictures from today:

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Tick Info

Today was such a fun day outdoors!  The kids were exhausted when they got back to school!  Hopefully they will sleep well for you tonight!

Thank you so much to all the parent volunteers.  It was so nice to chat with you all.

Christine from the Bill Mason Center told me to let everyone know that there are ticks there and each child should get checked for ticks when they get home as well as put into the bathtub.  Fingers crossed that no one finds one on their child.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Week of June 4th

It's hard to believe that it is June already!  This last month of school is going to be a busy one with field trips and fun activities.  Please be sure to check the blog often for important information.  Just a reminder that all permission forms have to be in by tomorrow (Wednesday) in order for your child to attend the Bill Mason Center.  Thank you to everyone who will be joining us and for providing us with your Vulnerable Sector Check.

Our letter this week is "I, i" and our word is "little".  Please continue to practice letters and sounds at home.  Since I am not in Room 138 today, I haven't had a chance to take pictures of the students hard at work!  I will post some pictures tomorrow.

For our field trip on Thursday, here are some suggested items to bring.  It is a full day of being outdoors so please dress your child appropriately.

  • a nutritional lunch
  • full water bottle
  • sunscreen - please apply some before coming to school
  • long- sleeved layer
  • long pants
  • running shoes or rain boots
  • extra socks
  • brimmed hat
  • insect repellent
  • hand sanitizer

Friday, June 7th is a PD Day so there is no school for the students.