Monday, 13 May 2019

Week of May 13th

We hope all you lovely moms had a wonderful Mother's Day.  Your special video message was sent on Saturday from my hotmail account.  It is safe to open!  Please let me know if you did not receive an email from me or if you can not open it.

We are so happy to have Mrs. T back today.  The kids were so excited to see her!  She was truly missed by all!

Our word of the week is "at".  The kids counted how many "at"s they could find in their library books this morning.  Instead of having a letter this week, we will be focusing on the "at" family.  This means we will be thinking of and writing words that rhyme with at.  If you want a fun game to play at home, you can continue to think of rhyming words and then clap out the syllables.

Friday May 17th is a PD day so the children will not be at school.  Monday is also a day off due to the holiday.  We hope you enjoy your extra  long weekend!

Here are some pictures from today: