Monday, 21 January 2019

Week of January 21st

Happy Monday!  Today we spent the entire day indoors due to the frigid temperatures outside.  We are hoping to get outside tomorrow! 
Our letter of the week is "c" and our word of the week is 'can".  The sks did a great job writing about the special things they can do! 

Today your child has come home with their first library book.  I was away last Monday and thought the kids took out a book.  Sorry for the misunderstanding.  You will find their library book in their mailbag. Please ensure that library books come back to school on Fridays.  Do not put the library book in the Snuggle Folder.  We will have a special library basket for the children to put their library books in.

A new snuggle book has also made it's way home today.  The books are simple books to start off with. Keeping it simple at the start will build your child's confidence and keep them interested in reading.  The books will get more "wordy" and interesting as we continue with the Snuggle Program.

Our egg experiment has continued to spark interest with the children.  Today we observed the changes and recorded what we saw.  Please see the pictures and read their AMAZING observations!


  • Friday, January 25th is a PD Day.  There is no school for the students.

  • Please keep an extra pair of mittens and socks in your child's backpack.  Ensure that they are all labelled. 
  • Ensure that your child has a spare change of clothing.  Accidents happen in Kindergarten!