Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Week of Nov. 19th

Today was a wet day!!!!  When the students came in from our outdoor learning this morning, they were soaked but had a great time!  Many of them had to change into their spare clothing and we noticed that some were missing spare socks.  If you could send in extra socks (2 pairs) as well as an extra pair of mittens to keep in their backpacks, it would be much appreciated.

Our word of the week is "to" and our letter of the week is "o".  The kids had a blast looking for this letter and word during library time.  Please continue to practise letter recognition and sounds with your child.  Keep it fun!

We will be sending home information regarding an amazing home reading program called Raz Kids.  It will be coming home this week.  This program can be done on a laptop or an ipad. 

This week is Bullying Awareness Week at our school.  Today we talked about what a bully is and what to do if someone is being a bully.  We also listened to a story about being kind and helpful to our friends.  We will continue to talk about kindness and how to resolve conflicts all week.

On Friday, the kinders are invited to the News Show at 10:45 am.  We are so excited to participate in this awesome event!  It is also Flower Power Spirit Day.  The students are encouraged to wear flowers.

Here are some pictures from today: