Monday, 18 June 2018

Week of June 18th

We are all done our words and letters of the week but we will continue to do free writing and explore letters and sounds.  Please continue to do so at home as well.

On Friday, we will be walking to the splash pad.  If you have not sent in the permission form, please send it back by Tuesday.  Let's pray for sunny skies and warm temperatures!  A reminder note is coming home today.

The kids are having a blast with our VIP pictures and write ups.  They get so excited when they see their parent.  The students have had many great guesses as to what each parent does at work.  Take a look at the pictures below!

With the warm weather predicted for this week, please ensure that your child comes to school with a refillable water bottle, appropriate clothing and a sun hat.  We stay out for 40 minutes in the morning, 30 minutes at lunch and 20 minutes at the end of the day. 

You will notice that your child's mailbag is full of their artwork.  Please empty it daily so we can keep sending more art home!