Today we looked at our caterpillars and noticed a big change! They are now attaching to the top of the paper towel and hanging from the lid of the container. Tomorrow we will be placing the caterpillars in the big aquarium in anticipation of their transformation into a pupa and then butterfly. Such exciting times in Room 138!
The students who had money for the book fair went today and purchased books. If your child did not bring money but would like to at some point this week, please send the money in a labeled ziplock and we will ensure that your child gets to the book fair.
Here's a list of things happening this week in Room 138:
Tuesday May, 8th
Wear blue in support of Autism
Wednesday, May 9th
-Field Trip to Valley View Farms from 9:00-1:30 pm
-Double Lunch Day
Thursday, May 10th
-Carleton University study in our classroom at 9:45 am
-Grade 6 Showcase Sale at 2:20 pm. All profits made from the same will be donated to the Kanata Food Cupboard.
Friday, May 11th
-Muffin Breakfast and Open House 8-9am. Be sure to come into our classroom (rm 138) for a visit!
**Parents are asked to bring in 6 peanut/nut free Muffins PER FAMILY
-Coffee and Juice will be served
-School Spirit Day- wear purple and grey
Monday, May 14th-