Monday, 5 March 2018

Week of March 5th

Happy Monday! Our letters of the week are "sh" and our word of the week is "she".  The kids came up with a list of great "sh" words.  Our sk students are doing an amazing job attempting to sound words out phonetically.  We always encourage them to write the sounds that they are hearing.  Mrs. T and I do not correct their work and always praise them.  They are showing confidence and enjoyment during free writing and are adding words to their artwork independently.  It is so exciting to see this unfold!

Today we experimented with Google Hangout and video called Mme Roy.  The students were SO excited to see and talk to her.  Mme showed us her new office and answered all our questions.  We will be partnering up with a kindergarten class from Mme. Roy's school (Guardian Angels School) to do pen pals.  Our class will get to meet our new Stittsville friends using Google Hangout.  There are some exciting times ahead for us!

Last week we started drawing the "other half" of us.  The students were given a picture of their face cut in half and they had to draw the other half so that it matched.  We took this opportunity to introduce the word symmetry.  Their artwork is so well done.  If you are passing by our classroom, come have a look at our symmetrical portraits!

We will be talking about people in our community and the jobs that our mommies and daddies do.  A special note was sent home last week (called VIP Project) explaining a project that we will be starting in the month of March.  We will be very grateful for your participation.  Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the VIP Project.  It is going to be so fun and special for the children.

Here are some pictures from today: