Monday, 29 January 2018

Week of January 29th

Our letter of the week is "g" and our word of the week is "go".  The children are having a great time finding our popcorn words and are looking for these words in their library books,  It is very cool to hear them calling out the word wall words that they have found. These are all signs of early readers! Yahoo!

Please remember to send in your child's library book separate from the Snuggle Folders.  There have been a few mix ups with the library books.  Please ensure that the Snuggle Folder comes back every Friday with the easy reader inside. You can send the library book back in your child's mailbag.

This Thursday, we will be having Scientists in the Schools come in for a presentation.  If you are able to volunteer for the afternoon, we would love it.  We are still in need of 2 parents to volunteer.

Today was Day 11 of our egg experiment.  This experiment has proven to be a big hit in the classroom with the children and adults.  The egg in vinegar has undergone some amazing transformations and now looks like a giant bouncy ball (as one of the students described it).  We will keep observing for as long as we can.  Some children are sure that a chicken is going to hatch at the end!


2017-2018 YEARBOOK

We are starting earlier this year!
Purchase your yearbook online now!

Cost: 25$       
ONLY 20$ if purchased before Feb. 5th 2018

School Code: 15978

Here are some pictures from the day: