Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Week of Nov. 28th

Happy Tuesday! Our first snow day was spent creating with our hands and practicing songs for our upcoming Christmas concert.  We will be sending home an invitation this week with the date and time.  We are aiming for Friday, December 16th at 2 pm but we are still finalizing this date.

Our letter of the week is "w" and our word of the week is "we".  We talked about the sound "w" makes as well as the sound the "e" makes in "we" (long e says it's own name).  Please continue to practice theses sounds and the word at home with your child.  It would be greatly beneficial and will help with your child's reading process.

Today we had a dental hygienist come in to look at the children's teeth.  She will be back tomorrow for those who were away today.

Since today was a snow day, pizza was cancelled.  We will have pizza day tomorrow instead.

Advent is upon us and we are waiting patiently for the birth of baby Jesus.  We talked about the true meaning of Christmas and watched a cute video about Advent.  Our school is getting ready to send our Christmas hamper information home soon.  Families are invited to participate in providing hamper items for families in need from our sister school, St. Elizabeth.  More details to come.

Here are a few pictures from the week: