Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Week of Nov. 28th

Happy Tuesday! Our first snow day was spent creating with our hands and practicing songs for our upcoming Christmas concert.  We will be sending home an invitation this week with the date and time.  We are aiming for Friday, December 16th at 2 pm but we are still finalizing this date.

Our letter of the week is "w" and our word of the week is "we".  We talked about the sound "w" makes as well as the sound the "e" makes in "we" (long e says it's own name).  Please continue to practice theses sounds and the word at home with your child.  It would be greatly beneficial and will help with your child's reading process.

Today we had a dental hygienist come in to look at the children's teeth.  She will be back tomorrow for those who were away today.

Since today was a snow day, pizza was cancelled.  We will have pizza day tomorrow instead.

Advent is upon us and we are waiting patiently for the birth of baby Jesus.  We talked about the true meaning of Christmas and watched a cute video about Advent.  Our school is getting ready to send our Christmas hamper information home soon.  Families are invited to participate in providing hamper items for families in need from our sister school, St. Elizabeth.  More details to come.

Here are a few pictures from the week:

Monday, 21 November 2016

Week of November 21

Wow! It's hard to believe that we are fast approaching December! Today's blast of snow was a reminder that winter is on it's way!  The kids loved playing outside in the snow.  Please remember to send your child in with snowpants and winter accessories (hat, gloves) as they do go out 3 times per day.  Extra socks and a spare change of clothes is always good to have as well.

Today we learned about the letter "s" and it's sound.  Our word of the week is the word "is".  We buttered our poem and counted all of the "is" words in the poem.  Our sk students did a great job incorporating the word of the week into their writing.  Please continue to point it out with your child at home.

We also took a time warp today back to the 1990's and learned the running man and a parody to Vanilla Ice's Ice Ice Baby!  We learned a song called "I Know My ABC's".  It is a must watch to bring you back to your youth!  The children also enjoyed singing along to "What Do The Letters Say".  These are fun songs to help the kids learn their letters and sounds.

In Math,  we looked at different lengths and glued them in order from longest to shortest.  We also worked on creating different types of patterns for our pattern tree.  It turned out beautiful.

Up-Coming Events:

Nov 21- 25 is Bully Awareness Week: On Wednesday, wear pink in support of antibullying.

Friday Nov. 25 - Nifty Nature Spirit Day and Animal Bake Sale.  Wear clothes/ t-shirt with animal or nature slogans, animal motif hats or earthy colours.  Raffle tickets for the bake sale are $0.25 and baked goods are $0.50.

Friday Nov. 25:  Family Movie Night 6-8 pm

Monday, 14 November 2016

This week in Rm 138"

It was so nice to meet you last week for interviews.  If you did not get a chance to meet with Mrs. T and myself, please feel free to write us a note in the communication book and we can arrange a date.  We would love to meet with everyone to discuss your child's progress so far.

Today we had a full day of learning!  Our letter of the week is the letter y.  We learned that "y" makes 3 different sounds and there are lots of words that have a "y" at the end.  Only 2 of our friends in the class have a "y" in their name and they both make the "e" sound.
Our word of the week is "my".  It was so great to see that the sk students remembered the song from last year to spell "my".  Ask your child to sing the song for you.  It will be stuck in your head all day!  The sk students did a great job writing sentences using "my".
We continued to work on different types of lines and used lines to make cool looking artwork.  The students really enjoyed exploring and creating at the art table.

In Math, the students rose to my challenge and worked as a team to fill up the hundreds chart.  They worked so hard on arranging the number disks from 1 to 100 in the proper order.  It was so amazing to see the leadership and collaboration in completing this BIG job! See pictures below.  We also worked on recognizing numbers to 10 and counting links associated to the numbers.


Wed. Nov. 16 - Photo retakes

Wed. Nov. 16 - Double Lunch Day - Make an extra lunch for others in need.  These lunches are collected and brought to The Mission.

Wed. Nov. 16 - Lonestar Restaurant Family Night

Fri.  Nov. 18 - PD Day

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Remembrance Day

A special thank you to Warrant Officer Mousseau for coming in on Friday to speak about Remembrance Day.  The children loved learning from him.  A special thank you to all who are in the military.  We thank you for all your service and for making our country so safe and such a great place to live.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Week of November 7-11

Today we talked about Remembrance Day and the poppy.  We are learning a song about peace.  Ask your child to sing it for you.  It's a catchy tune!  The students were busy writing, drawing and creating things to do with Remembrance Day and poppies.  We also learned that many family members are in the military.  We want to thank you for your service and all that you do to help us live in such a safe and amazing country.

Our letter of the week is "t" and our word is "it".  The sk students produced excellent writing samples using "it".  Please have your child point out our word of the week while reading.  They all seem keen in finding our popcorn words while looking at books in the classroom.

In Math we are continuing to look at patterns, number recognition and number composition and decomposition.


Photos- please remember to send back your orders for school photos.  Photo retakes will be on November 16th.  The photo packages are due this Friday, November 11th.

Parent/Teacher interviews will be held this Thursday.   You can sign up for a time online using the link that the school had sent home via email.  We look forward to seeing you!

The blankets were sent home on Friday for a washing.  Please send them back as soon as they are washed.

Scholastic Book Orders-  if you are interested in ordering books, please send the order form and cheque back by November 14th.

Here are some pictures from today:

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

This week in Rm 138

Today was a very exciting day! Everyone could NOT wait to celebrate Halloween!  The kids stayed focused all day and explored many new tabletops activities.  Now that Halloween is over, it's time to get ready for Christmas!!!! Yikes!!!

Our letter of the week is "m".  We practiced what sound the "m" makes as well as listed "m" words.  Our word of the week is "am".  The kids enjoyed putting "am" into their writing.  Please continue to point this word and letter out during your nightly reading.

Here are some pictures from today: