In Math we are going to look at symmetry and things around us that are symmetrical. We will also continue to explore surveys, collect data and look at different types of graphing tools. Composing and decomposing numbers has been an ongoing focus this year so we are always incorporating it into art activities, tabletop activities and classroom discussions.
We are very excited to put on our scientist hats each day to observe our 10 classroom pets - our Painted Lady Butterflies! We have watched videos and read books on the life cycle of butterflies and we are anxiously waiting for these changes to occur. The students are predicting, inquiring, exploring and observing each day!
1. Please ensure that your child has a spare set of clean clothes in case of an accident. We will return them to you in June.
2. We ask that all toys be kept at home to avoid them getting broken or lost.
3. With the warm weather in our near future, please send a refillable water bottle in your child's lunch.
Here are some pictures from the week: