Tuesday, 31 May 2016

This week in kinder!

The kids have been doing a great job remembering to stay hydrated and apply their sunscreen.  With the warm, sunny weather here to stay, please send in a hat with your child every day.

Tomorrow as well as June 8th and 15th, the Grade 6 students will be selling freezies to raise money for their end of year trip.  They will be selling them for 25 cents each.

Our letter of the week is "f" and our word of the week is "of".  The students wrote amazing sentences this week!

On Monday, the kids had a blast digging for Geodes.  We found 4 of them!  On Thursday, we will attempt to observe them under a microscope and draw and write about what we see.

Here are some pictures from the week so far:

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Thursday, May 26

It's hard to believe that we are in home stretch! The year has gone by so quickly.  We are so proud of the growth and hard work from all of our students.

In Math, we will continue to focus on composing and decomposing numbers as well as look at graphs and surveys.  The kids really enjoy walking around with their clipboards collecting data from their peers.

Today we read a book called "The Something" which was great for inquiring minds! This book was about a boy who finds a hole in the ground and wonders what might live in that hole.  We went outside and found many holes on the school yard, took pictures of them and then predicted what might be living in them.  The kids had a blast and their ideas and work were AMAZING!

In Science, we were learning about the life cycle of the butterfly and had the opportunity to see all the stages in our classroom.   Our butterflies finally came out over the weekend (we missed seeing the change 😢).  We learned the difference between a male and female Painted Lady butterfly and got to observe them for a few days.  Yesterday we release 8 out of 10 of them into the sky.  Two were not ready yet so we still have them as classroom pets to observe!


Many children are coming to school with sunscreen.  Unfortunately, we are not able to put it on the children so please apply it before school and show them how to put it on independently.  The spray type sunscreen is not allowed at school because it ruins the floors as well as makes them extremely slippery.

Please send in a water bottle each day as well as a hat to protect them from the sun.

Here are some pictures from the day:

Monday, 16 May 2016

Monday, May 16th

Today we looked at the letters t and h and the sound they make when we put them together.  We practiced making the "thhhhhh" sound by putting up our hand in front of our mouth and feeling the air when we say "th".
We also looked at our word of the week "that".  The students noticed right away that last week's word (at) was inside "that " as well as the word hat.  We had a fun time coming up with words that belong to the "at" family.  The students did a great job writing in their writing notebooks.  Their writing is really taking off and it's nice to see them looking at our word wall to help with their writing.

In Math we read a book called "Ten Black Dots".  It inspired a lot of cool looking sculptures and free art!  We also revisited tally marks and used them while taking surveys.  We will continue to collect and graph data this week.


With the chilly weather in the mornings, please ensure that your child has a coat or warm sweatshirt.  They are outside for 20 minutes twice a day.

Senior kindergarten students- please remember to send the Snuggle folders back on Friday.

Blankets- We will send the blankets home on Friday to be washed.  Please send them back next Tuesday.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Kindergarten News

Now that all the Education Week festivities are done, we are back to our regular routine! Our word of the week is "at" and we do not have a letter of the week.  We talked about how important "at" is because it helps us spell LOTS of other words.  The students came up with an extensive list of "at" family words.  Our seniors wrote some awesome sentences in their free-writing books and even inspired some of our jk students to write in theirs.  We are seeing such amazing learn taking place in the classroom and we are all so proud! Please continue to point out our popcorn words during nightly reading.  It is paying off!

In Math we are going to look at symmetry and things around us that are symmetrical.   We will also continue to explore surveys, collect data and look at different types of graphing tools.  Composing and decomposing numbers has been an ongoing focus this year so we are always incorporating it into art activities, tabletop activities and classroom discussions.

We are very excited to put on our scientist hats each day to observe our 10 classroom pets - our Painted Lady Butterflies! We have watched videos and read books on the life cycle of butterflies and we are anxiously waiting for these changes to occur.  The students are predicting, inquiring, exploring and observing each day!


1. Please ensure that your child has a spare set of clean clothes in case of an accident.  We will return them to you in June.

2. We ask that all toys be kept at home to avoid them getting broken or lost.

3.  With the warm weather in our near future, please send a refillable water bottle in your child's lunch.

Here are some pictures from the week:

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Mother's Day Videos

Hi Moms!
I'm hoping you all received your video messages from your kids.  I sent them out late Friday night.  If you did not get it, please send me an email to andrea.rocco@ocsb.ca to let me know and I will resend it.  Hope you all have a great day!

Friday, 6 May 2016

Thank You!

Thank you to all the moms who came to our Mother's,'s Day celebration yesterday.  The kids were so excited to see you and perform for you!  Either tonight or tomorrow you will be receiving an email from me (Andrea. Rocco@ocsb.ca) with your child's name in the subject box.  This will be your most precious gift from them.  You might want to open it with them and with a box of kleenex near by!!! Please send me an email back to let me know that you recieved it and were able to open it.

Today was Jump Rope for Heart day and the kids had a blast!  It was such a beautiful day for this event.  I will post pictures this weekend.  Please send in all your donations by Wednesday the latest.

Have a wonderful weekend and a very Happy Mother's Day to all you amazing moms!!!

Monday, 2 May 2016

Education Week!

This is a very busy and exciting week ahead! Today was Music Monday where we went outside at noon and sang with thousands of other kids all around Canada.

Tomorrow morning is Open House starting at 8 am.   Please come and visit us in the classroom to see all amazing things we've been up to.  We have a special surprise waiting for you in the classroom!

On Thursday, we will be doing another Double Lunch Day.  We really appreciate your generosity in the past and hopefully you can contribute again this week.
On Thursday at 2:15 pm, we are anxiously awaiting our very special guests of honour...our moms! We want to thank you all on this day in a special way.  If you haven't yet rsvp'd, please do so by Wednesday.

Friday is Jump Rope for Heart day.  Let's hope the sun comes out so we can enjoy the day.  More information to come.

Our letter of the week is "m" and our word of the week is "mom".  We have been using the word mom a lot this week in sentences, pictures and songs.

This week we will continue to use tally marks, graphs and take surveys.   The kids are having fun answering questions using math.

In Science, we are talking about butterflies and will be looking into their life cycle.  We received 10 caterpillars which we are excited to watch grow into beautiful butterflies.  The students have been examining them with magnifying glasses and writing and drawing predictions.

Here are a  few pictures from today.