Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Monday, April 11th

Today proved to be a busy, busy day!  Our letter of the week is "p" and our word of the week is "spring".  We buttered our words in our April poem and then went and "king the ing"-ed all the words that ended in "ing".  We also looked at the word spring and found some other smaller words inside it.  The kids are doing an amazing job at recognizing and remembering our popcorn words.
The Snuggle books will be coming home on Tuesday...it got busy at the end of the day and it slipped my mind to pass them out.  I'm very sorry!
For Mother' Day, we will be working on a special project which requires your email address.  If you haven't sent in the form yet, please do... you don't want to miss your surprise!
We will also be having a special day to celebrate our wonderful moms.  More details will be coming home very soon.

With the wet weather on it's way, please send in a spare set of clothes and a few extra pair of socks.  I foresee lots of wet socks in the near future!

Here's are a few pictures from today but check back tomorrow for more.