Monday, 25 April 2016

Monday, April 25th

We were busy beavers today!  The kids are working hard on getting everything ready for their special ladies.  The Mother's Day note went home today with all the important details.  Please send the form back so we can plan accordingly.  We hope you can all come!

Next week is also Education Week.  The school will be having a muffin breakfast on Tuesday, May 3rd from 8 am-9 am.  The classrooms will be open so please come to our classroom.  The students have been working hard on a few surprises!

Our letters of the week are "pl" and our word of the week is "play". Please continue to point these out during nightly reading.  Playing rhyming games, clapping out syllables and naming the letters (and saying if they are vowels or consonants) are also beneficial activities to do during nightly reading.

Last week was Earth Week and we discussed ways to keep our earth "clean and healthy".  We took some surveys and graphed our data.  We will continue to gather data and graph it in simple bar graphs/picture graphs/name graphs etc.

Here are some pictures from today.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Mother's Day Info

Hello Moms!

On Monday, I will be sending home a form to fill out in regards to our Mother's Day celebration.  It will be held on Thursday, May 5th at 2:15 pm in our classroom.  We will be serving you cookies and tea (iced).  We hope that you can all join us but if you can't,  grandmas,  aunts or any other special ladies are welcome to come in your place.  The kids have been working hard on a few special performances just for you!
Have a great weekend!

Monday, 18 April 2016

Monday, April 18th

It looks like the nice weather is finally here! The kids had a great today enjoying the Spring air.  Just a reminder to leave a few sets of spare socks in the backpack in case of soakers.
Our letter of the week is "y" and our word of the week is "yes".  We had a lot of fun chanting out "yes" as well as thinking of words that start with the letter y.   Our senior students did an amazing job at writing a sentence with the word "yes" in it.  I'm so proud of their writing progress!
During the first week in May, we will celebrating Education Week.  There will be many events happening this week.  Stay tuned for more details.  On Thursday, May 5th, we would like to invite all mothers to come and join us for a special celebration to honour you.  I will send home more specifics this week (eg: the time) and hopefully you can join us.  The kids are working on special projects for their moms and will be presenting them on May 5th.
Here are a few pictures from today and last Thursday.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

More Picture

We have been really interested in birds lately.  The students are doing research on nests, eggs and different kinds of birds.  If you have any bird items that you think would be interesting to share, feel free to send it in.  We promise to return it!

En francais!

Bonjour everyone,

Our kinders are developing their French comprehension skills and love French story time! We learn how to say "Puis je aller aux toilettes s'il vous plait" and other routines in French... Below is a few songs we sing on a regular basis:

1 2 3 nous irons au bois:

Dans sa maison un grand cerf:

Mon ane, mon ane:

We also do a science experiment about once a week (today we planted bean seeds and look forward to seeing them sprout!) Here a few photos of past experiments:

We are also starting to write in French by sounding out words and learning some high frequency French words and we are doing great! I will send some information home about that very soon. 
Until soon!
Mme T

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Monday, April 11th

Today proved to be a busy, busy day!  Our letter of the week is "p" and our word of the week is "spring".  We buttered our words in our April poem and then went and "king the ing"-ed all the words that ended in "ing".  We also looked at the word spring and found some other smaller words inside it.  The kids are doing an amazing job at recognizing and remembering our popcorn words.
The Snuggle books will be coming home on got busy at the end of the day and it slipped my mind to pass them out.  I'm very sorry!
For Mother' Day, we will be working on a special project which requires your email address.  If you haven't sent in the form yet, please do... you don't want to miss your surprise!
We will also be having a special day to celebrate our wonderful moms.  More details will be coming home very soon.

With the wet weather on it's way, please send in a spare set of clothes and a few extra pair of socks.  I foresee lots of wet socks in the near future!

Here's are a few pictures from today but check back tomorrow for more.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Happy Monday!

Today was another busy day in Kindergarten!  We talked about Spring and bird nests.  We read a book about different types of nests and then used plasticine, raffia and other materials to build our own nests.  Tomorrow we will write about our creations using describing words.  We are looking for a real birds' nest.  If you have one at home and are willing to send it in so we can examine it, it would be much appreciated.  We promise to take good care of it!!  We are also looking for robin eggshells.

Our letter of the week is "n" and our word of the week is "no".  Please continue to point these out during nightly reading.  Ask your kids about our "no" chant.  Please remember to return the Snuggle folders every Friday.  If they are not returned by Monday (the latest),  your child will not get a new book that week because we are on a rotation system with the books.

In Math,  we have been learning about 3d shapes as well as the difference between 2D and 3D.  The students are amazing at naming the 3d shapes.  Ask your child what shape things are around your house (pick things that are the shape of spheres, cylinders, cubes, rectangular prisms, cones, pyramids).  We have also been working on measuring things in the classroom using non-standard measurement.  They are having a blast!  We even measured our height and will compare how tall we have grown in 2 months.

A gentle reminder to please pack spoons and forks if your child needs them in their lunch.  The school doesn't provide them.

Please check back tomorrow to see pictures of the students hard at work.