Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Happy Last Day of School!

Happy last day of school to everyone!!!  
Here's the link to our final meeting at 10 am tomorrow.  We hope your child can make it!

During our meeting tomorrow, we will be showing the children a special video with pictures from the year. We hope you enjoy it.  It's amazing to see how much the children have grown!

Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you in September!

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Week of June 21

Happy last week of school to everyone!  We did it!!! It has been a very unique way to end the year but we are hoping to see everyone on Thursday at 10 am for our final farewell. The children are invited to bring a snack and their favourite stuffy to the meeting.  Here's the link to the hangout:

Mrs T., Mme Vida and I are so proud of each and every one of our students and are so sad to see this year end.  We have missed seeing the kids each day and look forward to seeing their faces again in September.

We would like to thank all the parents for their patience, support and dedication over the past 3 months.  We know that it was not easy having to work and do school work each day.

We hope everyone has a restful and FUN summer!

Here's the link to some optional activities for the week:

Special birthday wishes going out to the following friends:

July:  Amelia

August:  James and Emma

End of the Year Ideas | Poems about school, Teacher poems ...

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Week of June 15th

Here's the link to this week's activities.  Please accept the invitations that were sent to you for our upcoming Google Meets (this Thursday and next Thursday).

Just a reminder to return all library books when you come to the school to collect your child's belongings.  Mrs. T and I have set out a ziplock bag with a few goodies for your child to say congratulations on a great and unique year!  We are sad that it has ended without seeing the children so we hope our gifts will bring a smile to their faces. The bags are all labeled so please ensure that you are taking the correct bag.

We want to wish all the dads an amazing Father's Day this weekend!

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Important Upcoming Meeting Dates


Here are the dates for our 2 final meets.  On Thursday, June 18th at 10:30 am,  we will have a quick check in to see how everyone is doing.   Please accept the invitation that was sent to your child's email if your child is able to attend.

Here's the link to join the meeting:

Our final Google Meet will be on the last day of school, Thursday, June 25th at 10 am.  We will be doing a teddy bear picnic, where the kids are invited to have a special snack and bring their favourite stuffie to celebrate the end of the school year.  We are hoping to have everyone present because Mrs. T and I have a special surprise for the children. 

Here's the link to join the meeting.  Please accept the invitation that was sent to your child's email if they are able to join.

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Distance Learning - June 8th

Here are the activities for this week.  We will be having another Google Meet soon.  Details to come.  We hope you have a wonderful week!

Monday, 25 May 2020

Distance Learning Week of May 25th


Here's the link to the activities for the week.  Just a reminder that today at 1 pm, we have a Google Meet with Mayor Watson.  We hope to see you all on the call!  Here's the link to the meet:

Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Distance Learning Activities for the Week of May 18th

Here's the link to the new activities for the week:

On Monday, May 25th, we will be having a Google Meet with our very own mayor, Jim Watson! He will be reading the children a short story about school.  We would love it if all the students in our class can join.  The meet will be at 1 pm.  If your child is able to join, please let them know who Jim Watson is and what his role is for our city.  We will be asking the children to tell the mayor what they love about school so a pre discussion at home might be beneficial!  An invitation for for the Google Meet was sent out last week.  If you did not get it, please send me an email at .

Have a wonderful week and enjoy the weather!

Sunday, 17 May 2020

New activities will be posted on Tuesday morning

Due to Monday being a holiday, please check the blog on Tuesday for the new activities for the week.

We hope you are having a wonderful weekend and enjoying the weather!

Monday, 11 May 2020

New activities for the week of May 11th

Here's the link for our Distance Learning for this week:

🎂🎈🎈A big Happy Birthday to Olivia!  🎂🎈🎈

In case you missed it, here's a video that was made for all you wonderful St. Gabriel families!  Thank you for all that your are doing.  Please watch!

Here are some pictures from the week:

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Google Meet - Friday, May 8th at 2pm


We will be having a virtual check in on Friday, May 8th at 2 pm.  Please use the same instructions that were provided from our last meeting.  Looking forward to "seeing" everyone.    Please accept the invitation that will be sent to your child.  If you do not get an invitation, email me at

Here's the link to our call:

Thank you!

Monday, 4 May 2020

Week of May 4th


This week, we will be celebrating Catholic Education Week.  Our theme for the week is to "Ignite Hope" in our homes, our community and in our world.  As a school community, we have provided activities for the week.  Each day, we invite all of our families to demonstrate their hope for others and themselves. We are hoping to gather lots of pictures of the activities that you partake in.  Capture and send your hope-filled pictures, videos, art work, stories, etc. to @StGabrielOCSB and tag them #IgnitingHope #ocsbHope to highlight how the students and families at St. Gabriel School are Igniting Hope.

Here's the link to the Education Week activities:

Since we had assigned the time capsule activity last week, if you have already done it, please send us pictures so they can be tweeted out.  If you were unable to do it last week, feel free to do the time capsule as a family.  It will be so exciting to look back in 10 years at all the goodies that were placed inside the box!

Here's the link to Distance Learning for the week.  Because of our Education Week activities, we have only included one SPECIAL activity for your child to do this week.  Happy Mother's Day to all you amazing moms!

Happy Birthday wishes to Leo and Violetta this week!  We hope you have an amazing day!


Here's Cian's song for our word "yes"!  You did a great job, Cian!

Monday, 27 April 2020

New activities for the week of April 27


It was nice "seeing" you on Friday.  We will try and "see" each other every 2 weeks using Google Meet to touch base and catch up.

We hope you all have a great week.  Here's the link for this week's activities.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Virtual Meeting On Friday April 24th at 2 pm

On Friday, April 24th at 2 pm, we would like to have a virtual check in using Google Meet. We will be sending an invitation to join the "meeting" on Friday so be sure to check in your child's gmail for the link.  In order to participate, you will need to login to your child's school board account using the information that was sent out in March.  In order to login in, you will need to do the following steps:
  • Look for the "Sign In" button in the top right corner. If there is already another account logged in, you can click on the account icon and press "Add account" in the bottom of the drop down menu.

  • Carefully type in your student email address, which is your "first name. last name".
  • Be sure to spell your name carefully, don't add any spaces between anything, and to carefully type in (you can make the @ symbol by holding shift and pressing the number 2 key).
  • If you type in your email correctly, it will then ask for your password. It is confidential, please do not share it with others.
  • When you are logged in, you can go to to find the student portal or you can go directly there by using this link: Student Portal.
  • You can access all your Google products here, such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Draw, as well as Student Dashboard, RazKidsZorbits math, and many other student resources.

Given that the students are young, it is important that an adult helps to log them on to "meet" and be nearby while they are using it. Don’t worry! You do not have to be on camera. We would love to see your child’s beautiful smile though! 

Below is a link to a Google extension. This extension allows users to see more participants while using a Google Meet with multiple people. In order for students to see all of their peers during the Google Meet, it is essential that you add this extension to your Google Chrome web browser. It is simple to do so.
Google Hangout Extension - Here

When students are in the meet, there is a button that has 9 small squares inside a large square (called a waffle or grid). If you click that, it will allow students to see everyone at once. Picture is below for your reference.

Chrome Extension Google Meet Grid View to see people better:  

Chrome extension Nod - Reactions for Google Meet to react to a speaker (raising hand, thumbs up, clap, etc...):

Monday, 20 April 2020

Week of April 20th


Here's the link to our distance learning for the week.  If you have any questions, please reach out.

Mrs. T and I will be sending some information home later in the week regarding a virtual check in with the kids.  We will be using a new program which can be found in your child's student portal.  More details to come!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Week of April 13th


A Happy Belated Birthday goes out to some of our friends in the class.  We are sad to have missed it but are sending belated wishes to you all!

Happy Birthday to Cian, Kostya, Jonathan and Alex Y!

Here's the link to this week's distance learning:

You will find information regarding St. Gabriel's Virtual Spirit Week in this blog post.  Let's have some fun!

Here are a few pictures from last week: