Welcome to Kindergarten at St. Gabriel Catholic School! We are eager to begin an exciting year full of many wonderful learning opportunities. As your child’s teachers, we aim to create an environment that is both supportive and challenging in order to facilitate learning and ignite the imagination.
1. Communication Book: Your child has been given a mailbag with their name on it. We will use this bag to send home any notes/communication. Please write notes for us in this book provided. For your child’s safety, always send written instructions about changes in your child’s routine (e.g. a different caregiver, or if you will be picking up your child etc.) in the Communication Book. Please check the Mailbag daily for information from school. If you leave a note, have the Communication Book open to that page so that it doesn’t get missed.
2. Quiet time: Please send a small blanket/beach towel that can be left at school for quiet time. We ask that no stuffed animals or pillows be sent in. Blankets/towels will be sent home to be washed on a regular basis.
3. Shoes and Clothing: A pair of no-slip, non-marking easy to get on sneakers (velcro or elastic closure) are requested to wear in the classroom and gym. These shoes will remain at school as their“indoor shoes”. It is also important that your child comes to school in clothes in which he or she can play. Our classroom will be a busy one where paint, markers, sand, water and outdoor play is encouraged. Please ensure that all articles of clothing and shoes are labeled.
4. Snacks: Your child will have two snack times as well as a lunch break. Please send in 2 nutritious snacks as well as a lunchtime meal in labelled reusable containers. Our classroom is nut-free (peanuts and tree nuts) and sesame seed free due to severe allergies so please do not send any nut products in your child's lunch. If you send a snack with WOW butter, ensure that it is labeled with a note so we don't mistake it for peanut butter.
5. Oops! Accidents!: Please send a change of clothes (including socks and underwear) to be kept on hand in case of spills or accidents. Label and place them in a plastic bag for storage. If an accident does occur, we will send home the dirty clothes in a ziplock. Please send back more clothing the next day.
6. Birthdays: We recognize birthdays in our classroom and celebrate each child’s special day. We ask that no treats are brought in. This is to avoid interaction with students that may have allergies. We have a tradition that has started where your child can bring in a birthday book to share with the class that day, which can be added to our classroom library.
7. Family Photos: Our classroom has a family tree that students can look at to remind them of home. If possible, please send a family photo with your child. Write your child's name on the back of the photo. These will be returned to you at the end of the school year.
8. Donations: We are always in need of Kleenex and markers in the classroom. If you would like to donate any of these items, we would greatly appreciate it.
9. The Blog: Please remember to check in often to get classroom updates and news. Sign up for notifications on the home page. ( roccokinder.blogspot.ca)
We look forward to speaking with you over the next few weeks. We know that the year ahead will be an exciting one with plenty of learning, laughter and growth.
Mrs. Rocco and Mrs. Talebi