Monday, 30 April 2018

Week of April 30th

The next 2 weeks will be very busy in Room 138!  We are starting to get ready for our Mother's Day celebration and want to make sure all our moms are treated like queens!  If you have not done so already, please send back the forms for the yoga activity as well as your email address for our special surprise.

Our letters of the week are "pl" and our word of the week is "play".  We have noticed that some Snuggle Folders aren't coming back on Fridays.  Please return these folders so we can send a new book home each Monday. 

Today the children enjoyed observing our classroom caterpillars.  They have changed so much already since their arrival.  We are looking forward to watching them grow and change into beautiful butterflies.  It is such a great learning experience for the children.

Important Dates:

Friday May 4th  
-Book fair preview from 11:00-11:30 (no books will be purchased today)

Monday May 7th 
-Book fair purchasing from 11:00-11:30
-Wear green in support of mental health

Wednesday, May 9th 
-Field Trip to Valley View Farms from 9:00-1:30 pm
-Double Lunch Day

Thursday, May 10th 
-Carleton University study in our classroom at 9:45 am

-Grade 6 Showcase Sale at 2:20 pm.  All profits made from the same will be donated to the Kanata Food Cupboard.

Friday, May 11th
-Muffin Breakfast and Open House 8-9am. Be sure to come into our classroom (rm 138) for a visit!
**Parents are asked to bring in 6 peanut/nut free Muffins PER FAMILY
-Coffee and Juice will be served
-School Spirit Day- wear purple and grey

Monday, May 14th-
Mother's Day Celebration from 9:30-11:30. Don't forget your yoga mat!

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Week of April 23

Spring has sprung!  The students were so excited to be outside enjoying the sun!  This weather is a bit tricky to dress for due to the mornings still being chilly,  The best way to deal with this is to send your child with layers.  By the end of the day today, most of the kids were excited to be outside without their coats and gloves!

Today we finished writing our pen pal letters to our friends at Guardian Angels School in Stittsville.  The students did such a great job on their letters and are looking forward to getting a response back.

This year, we will be celebrating our mothers.  On Monday, May 14th, we are inviting all moms (or aunts, grandmas if mom can't come) to join us in a mother and child yoga session followed by tea and cookies.  The yoga class will begin at 10:00 am so feel free to join us at 9:30.  We are asking you to bring a yoga mat if you have one.  The yoga class will be about 20 minutes long followed by a picnic with cookies and tea.  If the weather doesn't cooperate, we will bring the picnic indoors!  More details to come this week.

Our letter of the week is "y" and our word is "yes".  The students are getting good at putting the letter sounds together and sounding out simple words.  Please continue to practise letter recognition and letter sounds with your child.  It is so beneficial for them.

On May 9th, we are going on a field trip to Valley View Farms.  Please send back the permission form that was sent home last week.  If you are free to volunteer, we will need you from 9:00-1:30.  There will be spots on the bus for volunteers too.

Yearbook Information:

Purchase your yearbook online now!
 Get yours before the deadline May12th
 Cost: 25$

Monday, 16 April 2018

Week of April 16th

Happy April Snow Day!  Mother Nature is not cooperating with us this year!  Hopefully the warm weather is on it's way!

Because today is a snow day, we will learn our letter and word on Wednesday.  Our word will be spring and our letters will be "ing".  

If you have not done so already, can you please send in the permission form for the Ottawa University study that they will conducting in our classroom at the beginning of May.  

Last week, a permission form for our field trip to Valley View Farm was sent home.  Kindly return the signed permission form as soon as possible.  If you are able to volunteer for the trip, you will need to be available at the start of the day (9am) until we return from the farm (around 1:30 pm).  As you will be given a group of children, we respectfully request that you do not bring along siblings.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Week of April 9th

Our word of the week is "no".  The children had fun today chanting our "no" song.  I know they would be excited to sing it to you all night!

Today we explored painting Spring pictures using our fingers.  It was messy and fun!  The kids were so creative and had a blast doing it!

We also worked on adding today using dominoes and cubes.  The children had to match the cubes to the dots on the domino and then write a number sentence.  They did a great job and were very proud of themselves.

In light of the recent tragedy in Humboldt, Saskatchewan, we are encouraging everyone to wear a jersey or a green shirt to show support to all affected by this horrible accident.

A big thank you to all who sent in their VIP information.  We will be starting later this week to guess what each parent does as well as talk about the important people (that's all of you!) in our community.

Today we began to write/draw letters to our pen pals at Guardian Angels School in Stittsville.  We talked about life before ipads, computers and technology.  It was pretty cute to hear how they thought people communicated before cell phones and Facetime!  We are excited to mail off our letters and are even more excited to receive letters back from our pen pals.

Here are some pictures from today:

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Week of April 3rd

We hope you had a wonderful Easter with your family.  This week we will not have a word or letter of the week. Instead, we will continue to review letters and sounds and practise free writing with the children.

A big thank you to all the parents who sent in their photos and write ups for the VIP Project.  I am still catching up on emails and in the process of replying back to all of you.  We are calling on the moms to send in their photos too!  We received lots of photos from dads but we also want to see all you moms in your work place too!!

On Thursday, April 5th, Ottawa Public Health will be conducting dental screening in our class.  Should there be any concerns with your child's dental health, you will receive a note in your child's mailbag.

A package regarding a Carleton University research project was sent home last week in your child's mailbag.  This project has been approved by our school board and we are excited to participate. You will find a detailed explanation of the project, a consent letter and an information form to be completed and sent back with your child.  If we do not receive your permission forms, your child will not be able to participate in the study.

Stay tuned for pictures of the kids.  They will be posted tomorrow when I am in their class.