Friday, 26 February 2016

en francais s'ilvous plait!

We keep learning the letters and their sounds in French. This week the word of the week was "moi" (me)... We also learn every day 's questions and routines words in French (Est ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?"
We read the story of Boucle d'or (Goldilocks) and learned a lot about "les ours" this week. Our students are so creative...!  Here are a few pictures from this week:
Mme T

Monday, 22 February 2016

Happy Monday!

We were very happy to get back into routine today after the short week.   Our new letter of the week is "e".  We talked about the 2 different sounds "e" can make (long and short vowel sounds) and how important of a letter it is.  We even have 2 friends in the class who's name starts with our special letter...Ella and Enoch!
Our word of the week is "me".  This was a good example of how the letter "e" sometimes says it's own name in words.  We buttered our word in our special poem today.  The students will be looking for "me" in books at home and counting how many they can find.  We explored "me" and the letter "e" in many fun activities today and will continue to do so for the rest of the week.

Our senior students came home with a new snuggle book today.  Please keep it at home and send it back on Friday. I hope you are enjoying some quality snuggle time with your kids!

Our school Lenten project this year is to assist the Kanata Food Cupboard by collecting non-perishable foods and toiletries.  Please see the list and link if you are able to donate. We thank you in advance for your generosity and kindness.

Kanata Food Cupboard Shopping List

Food needs vary from week to week.
Note: We do not accept home preserves, homemade baked goods or other homemade dishes. We do not accept items that have been partially used or opened.
Currently, the Kanata Food Cupboard are looking for the following items:

High Priority

  • Canned Flaked Meat/Salmon
  • Level 1 and 3 Baby Food (glass jars)
  • Baking Supplies
  • Rice (900 gram bag)
  • Canned Peas
  • Canned Fruit
  • Granola Bars
  • Canned Tomatoes
  • Jam
  • Large Juice (Canned or Bottled)
  • Fruit Cups and Pudding Cups(size appropriate for school lunches)
  • Juice Boxes (size appropriate for school lunches)
In Demand
  • Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate
  • Casseroles/Side Dishes
  • Other Soup (Dry and Canned)
  • Miscellaneous Crackers
  • Canned Stews, Chili, & Chunky Soups
  • Stuffing, Cranberries, Gravy
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Shampoo
  • Sanitary Supplies
  • Paper Towels
  • Laundry Soap
  • Cookies
  • Diapers (Sizes 4,5 & 6)
  • Toilet Paper

Here are some pictures from today:


Sunday, 21 February 2016

Pictures from the week

We had quite a short week but still managed to have fun and learn a lot!  We are looking forward to a full week ahead.   New snuggle books will be coming home tomorrow (for our senior students) so please ensure that the Snuggle folders come to school tomorrow.
Here are some pictures from the week:

Friday, 12 February 2016

Report Cards!!!

I forgot to mention a very important item..... report cards!!!! They are also coming home today.  We are so proud of all the progress that the students have made over the past 5 months.  Way to go!!!!!

A few Reminders

We will be sending the blankets home to be washed today. If you could send them back to school on Tuesday that would be greatly appreciated.

Monday is Family Day so there is no school.  Enjoy your day off with the family!

Since will not be here on Monday, we will be sending home the new snuggle books on Tuesday (sk students only).  I hope the kids are enjoying their books!

We have had an exciting week leading up to our Valentine's Day and 100's Day celebrations! Oh to be a kid again!!! We have had so much fun today and can't wait to show you our Valentine's Love Monsters!!!

Have a great weekend! Here are some pictures from the week... we were busy beavers!

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Message from Mme Tsering


We had a nice visit to the retirement home yesterday... We had only a few visitors from the residence but we played and read books - and a nice walk outside! Thank you to our wonderful parent volunteers! Here are a few photos:
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We are planning on doing nature walks on the beaver pond (nearby the school) in the weeks to come and will need some parent volunteers... Stay tuned! 

In French we follow the letter of the week and learn vocabulary thanks to a short song that you're welcome to sing at home too:

This week for Valentine day, we focus on the words: le coeur, l'amour, je t'aime, St Valentin, fleur...
We even try to write "en francais"!
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Monday, 8 February 2016

A New Week in Kinder

Today was a great day in Room 138!  We are very excited to prepare and celebrate Valentine's Day AND 100's Day on Friday.  We have lots of fun things planned for the week.
This week, our letter of the week is "l".  We practised the sound that "l" makes and then listed lots of "l" words.  Our word of the week is "love".  We buttered our Love poem and turned it into a song.  Ask your children to sing it to you.  It is very catchy!
Our senior kindergarten students brought home their snuggle folders today.  Please read the important information in the folder and remember to bring them back on Friday.  Enjoy your special reading time with your children.  You will be amazed at their progress and confidence.
In Math, we worked on subitizing.  This is a way of recognizing numbers without counting them.  We looked at dots on plates ranging from  1-10.  The dots were randomly placed on some plates and others were placed in groupings.  The kids had fun doing this and did a great job describing their answers and their thinking.  It was neat to see the different ways that they came up with the answer .  (Some saw groupings, some added and used mental math to come up with their answers).
Just a reminder to send in extra mitts and spare clothes.  The students go out 2 times a day for 20 minutes each time so they need to dress appropriately.
Here are a few pictures from  today:

Friday, 5 February 2016

Message from Mme Tsering - Bonjour! Parent voluneers needed for Tuesday


It's been a joy to come back to room 138 this week, I am attaching a picture of an experiment we did this morning - en francais !

This Tuesday February 9, we are going o pay a visit to a retirement home ("Symphony Senior living") nearby the school and we therefore need some parent volunteers (from (9:30 to 11:15 am). A letter went home, please return it on Monday or email me ( if you're available to come with us, we need a adult for every 5 children coming.

Floriane Tsering

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Valentine's Day Info

With Valentine's Day falling on a Sunday, we will be celebrating on Friday, February 12th.  The children are welcome to wear red, white and pink as well as bring their cards.  Instead of personalizing each card, we ask you just to put your child's name on them.  With 30 students, it's much easier and quicker when they are exchanging their cards.
We are still in need of many empty kleenex boxes (17).  If you have any at home, we will be happy to take them from you!!

A reminder that on Monday we will be starting our Snuggle Book Reading Program for the senior kindergarten students .

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

More Pictures!

A New Week!

This week we have welcomed Mme T. back from maternity leave.  The kids are teaching her our routines and impressing her with their French knowledge!

Our letter of the week is "h".   We came up with a big list of "h" words and sorted the class by kids with an "h" in their name and kids without an "h" in their name.
Our word of the week is  "the".  We talked about how this word is very hard to sound out and that when you see a "t" and an "h" together it always makes a "th" sound.  We also looked at a book and noticed that "the" is a very important word because it is used so often.  My challenge to them was to count how many "the" words they can find in their book during their bedtime story.  Please continue to point out our word (s) of the week during nightly reading.

On Monday, I will be sending home the Snuggle Book Reading Program to the senior kindergarten students .  All the information will be sent home in their snuggle folder.

Thursday is National Sweater Day.  Remember to send your child to school wearing their coziest sweater.

We are in need of EMPTY kleenex boxes for our Valentine's Day craft.  If you have any at home that you are throwing out, please send them in with your child.  We will turn them into something creative and adorable!

Here are some pictures from the week: