Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Happy Tuesday! We have been enjoying a great week so far.  Our word of the week is "in" and our letter of the week is "n".  Please continue to expose and point them out during your nightly reading.  We have also been busy learning some songs for our Christmas concert.  If your child would like to practise at home, you can find "This Little Light of Mine" on youtube.  It is the version with the candle and black screen with white lyrics.
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!

 In Math, we have continued to sort different objects according to their size,shape, colour etc.  We are also continuing to work on ten frames and recognizing numbers in a ten frame.  The students finished our number posters for the class.  They look amazing and are a great tool to help the kids when unsure of how to print a certain number.  The kids really enjoy doing mental math (eg. If you have 2 toys and I give you one more or what number comes after 5).  We will continue to work on these fun brain teasers!  We are working at all different paces so we ask questions based on their knowledge and ability.

 Last week was Bully Prevention Week and we spoke about feelings and how to treat others.  We also spoke about what the true meaning of bullying is and what we should do if anyone is bullying us.  We were very lucky to have a guest speaker in to talk about ways to stop a bully.

With the snow and the cold temperatures, please send you child with appropriate clothing.  They are outside for 20 minutes two times a day.  Please label all clothing (hats, gloves, boots, snowpants,  jackets etc.).  Also, please ensure that your child has extra socks and a spare set of clothing....snow = wet feet and wet pants!!!

Here are a few more pictures in the classroom.

Christmas Concert!

We are excited to announce that our Christmas concert will be held on Friday, December 11th from 9:15 am - 10:15am.  We would be thrilled if you could join us in our classroom to celebrate some Christmas cheer!  After the concert, you are invited to stay and make a craft with your child.  Children are asked to wear Sunday best.

Please send in the form indicating how many people will be joining us for the concert. 

Friday, 20 November 2015

Spiky le poisson!

With a winning 7 votes, we have named our fish Spiky! The star of the day is responsible for feeding Spiky in the morning and we are eager to learn more about him next week.
We have been practising the song "Belle Pieuvre" by Charlotte Diamond with gestures as we continue to learn under the sea vocabulary. 


Monday, 16 November 2015

New Word and Letter of the Week

Today was another exciting day in Kindergarten!  Our word of the week is the word "is".  We talked about how important this word is even though it is a small word. The students were very happy to find and butter "is" in our poem.   Our letter of the week is "s".  We practised the sound that "s" makes and then listened to the song parody "What do the letters say". They loved listening and singing along!
In math, we worked on counting and showing numbers with objects.  We began our number posters for the classroom.  These will be a great tool for the students to look at when unsure of how to print a certain number.
Here are some pictures of the day...

Un nouveau ami dans la classe!

We are so excited to have a fish in the class! We are looking forward to naming him, learning about his habitat, and how to care for him.

Double Lunch Day November 19th

St. Gabriel Catholic School
400 Keyrock Drive, Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2T 0G6
Tel: (613) 271-6181     
E-Mail:  Gabriel@ottawacatholicschools.ca

Dear Families,

Welcome to our Double Lunch Day Initiative. St. Gabriel is hoping to help those less fortunate in our community. We are joining together to help The Ottawa Mission by providing lunches for their back-to-work and back-to-school programs. We have designated Thursday, Nov. 19, Thursday, Feb. 11, and Thursday, May 5 to bring in a second lunch. These lunches not only help many valuable members of our society, but they also lessen the load of The Ottawa Mission.

How can you participate?

The first Double Lunch Day for St. Gabriel School will be on Thursday, November 19. On this day, we ask that you send your child to school with an additional lunch. The lunches can have perishable and non-perishable items. We ask that they are healthy lunches and that they be packed in a bag that will travel to The Ottawa Mission (brown bag, Ziploc bag, etc.). Please do not include mayonnaise on the sandwiches. Feel free to include a thoughtful, spiritual message and/or a hand drawn picture that will be collected separately and sent in a separate special container. The lunches will be transported to The Ottawa Mission shortly after collected in the morning. Upon their arrival at The Mission, the lunches will be distributed to the various programs in need. Please see their website for further information http://www.ottawamission.com/

The Mission is also in need of a few additional items:

-winter clothing suitable for adult males (gloves, hats, etc)

Your support in this initiative is truly appreciated by the patrons of The Ottawa Mission. The staff also sends their thanks. If you have any questions about the Double Lunch Days please feel free to contact us at the school.


The St. Gabriel Double Lunch Day Committee
Lisa Brennen/Christine Maidment/Shirley Vida/MaryAnne Cummings/Kathy McCord

Our Mission Statement (The Ottawa Mission)
The Ottawa Mission reflects Jesus' love in serving the homeless, the hungry
and the lost by providing food, clothing shelter and skills, and offers faith
and hope for building a wholesome life.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

More pictures from the week!

We learned about different types of lines and then experimented with them in the classroom.  The students had a great time creating lines using various materials.  We are a creative bunch!

The students are always discovering and creating in the classroom.  Playdough is one of the favourite centres for creating masterpieces!

They are really taking an interest in free writing and sounding out words.  The students were busy writing about what peace means to them using their 5 senses.  They also created labels and a price list for our new grocery store in our dramatic play area.  Check out the amazng writing samples!!!

Learning through play is so fun to watch!  Manipulating magnetic letters, using the ipad, alphabet sensory games and basic markers and paper are really enticing the kids to learn their letters and sounds!

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Happy Monday!

Today proved to be another busy day in Kindergarten! There was so much learning happening around the room.  It is amazing to watch the students having fun while learning through play.

Our word of the week is "it". Please continue to point out our popcorn words while reading with your child. This week we are also starting a letter of the week.  We will focus on the letter t this week.  We talked about the sound "t" makes as well as came up with words that started with t.

We have also been talking about Remembrance Day and how lucky we are to live in such a safe and wonderful country.  We read a few books on Remembrance Day and this sparked an interest in creating poppy art. These turned out so gorgeous!!! We also made "stained glass" crosses incorporating patterns. The students loved the finished product and we're very proud of their work.

In Phys. Ed today, we played with the parachute.  At the end, it turned into a mini math lesson proving that math is all around us. The students wanted to fold the parachute so that it was even and neat. They collaborated and did a great job!


If you are interested in ordering books from the November book order, please send in your cheque and form with your child's name on it by November 11th.  Remember to use the Ontario pricing. 

On Friday we will be sending the rest time blankets home to be washed. Please return them on Monday.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Word of the Week

We had an exciting day exploring our new word of the week, "am". The children were eager to use "am" while describing their Halloween costumes.  Some children were able to incorporate all 3 of our words (a, I, am) into their writing.  Please continue to help your child by pointing them out during reading.  They are really taking an interest in learning these words and finding them around the classroom.
Here are some pictures of our day today: