Monday 16 April 2018

Week of April 16th

Happy April Snow Day!  Mother Nature is not cooperating with us this year!  Hopefully the warm weather is on it's way!

Because today is a snow day, we will learn our letter and word on Wednesday.  Our word will be spring and our letters will be "ing".  

If you have not done so already, can you please send in the permission form for the Ottawa University study that they will conducting in our classroom at the beginning of May.  

Last week, a permission form for our field trip to Valley View Farm was sent home.  Kindly return the signed permission form as soon as possible.  If you are able to volunteer for the trip, you will need to be available at the start of the day (9am) until we return from the farm (around 1:30 pm).  As you will be given a group of children, we respectfully request that you do not bring along siblings.