Tuesday 27 September 2016

This Week in Kindergarten

We are discovering and exploring many different things this week!  We started off with a book about apples and apple picking.  We examined the parts of the apple and looked at what shape the core makes when we cut the apple a certain way.  We also looked at the seeds inside the core.  We then talked about what the seeds need to grow into an apple tree.  Today we planted the seeds and will be making predictions tomorrow as to which cup of seeds will grow the best.  We completed some apple stamping math art as well.  Pictures to come this week!

We also had fun making shapes on our geoboard pumpkins.  This is a great activity for fine motor and to explore different shapes.  This was a big hit with the students!

Thank you to everyone who signed up to make playdoh.  We will be sending home a schedule in the next few days.

This Friday is our Terry Fox Walk.  Please send your child dressed appropriately as we will be walking outside in the morning.  All kindergarten students will be walking on school property only.

Here are some pictures from  the week: