Monday 15 January 2018

Week of January 15th

Our letter of the week is the letter "N" and our word of the week is "and".  We talked about how this word is found everywhere and how we use it so often and don't even realize!  Please continue to practise letter identification and letter sounds with your child.

We continued to look at 2D and 3D shapes today.  At the Art table, we created AMAZING 3D shapes using marshmallows and toothpicks.  Mrs. T and I were so impressed with the shapes the kids constructed all on their own.

Today, the SK students came home with their Snuggle Folders.  Please read the information in the front pouch.  The idea of this program is not to be stressful for you or your child rather to give you a few minutes to snuggle and enjoy looking at a book together.  Please return the folder with the book inside every Friday.  These books will be passed on to other students so please ensure that they come back each week.

Last week, we conducted a fun science experiment where the kids had to predict which bucket of snow would melt first (snow with salt, snow with crayons or snow with sparkles).  The kids were so excited to see which one would "win" at the end of the day.  They had great ideas as to why they thought the snow would melt the fastest.

Be sure to check out the link for our new French song, C'est l'hiver!


Please ensure that your child has spare socks, pants and underwear.  Accidents happen unexpectedly in Kindergarten!

Our water fountain in the classroom is not cooperating with us!  If you could send in a water bottle with your child each day, that would be much appreciated.  Remember to label it.